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Edible Purposes
Tropical almond can be eaten as a fresh fruit. The fruit shell can be cracked for the edible seed to be consumed raw. The seed can be eaten alone or used for preparing fruit salad, smoothie or for garnishing dishes. Oil can also be extracted from the dried nuts, which can be used for cooking.

Antibacterial activity
Manzur et al., (2011) evaluated the methanol, acetone and N, N-dimethylformamide extracts of Terminalia catappa L. leaf to ascertain its antibacterial and antifungal activity. Gentamicin and piperacillin were used as standards for antibacterial assay, while nystatin and flucanazole were used as standards for antifungal assay. For the trial, 91 clinically important strains were used, which were both clinical isolates as well as identified strains.
The antimicrobial activity of the entire extracts was determined using the agar disc diffusion method. The results show that the antibacterial activity was more pronounced against bacteria than the fungal strains. Moreover, the Gram-positive bacteria appeared more susceptible than the Gram-negative bacteria. The methanol extract showed more antibacterial activity. Tropical almond leaf extracts showed significant antibacterial activity, unlike the commercially used antibiotics.

Anti-ulcer Properties
Peptic ulcer disease (PUD) is a break in the lining of the stomach, progressing first from the small intestine then to the lower oesophagus. Bharath et al., (2014) examined the anti-ulcer activity of ethanolic extract of T. catappa (250 and 500mg/kg b.w) on pyrolic ligated induced ulcer model in rats. Omeprazole was used as the standard. The anti-ulcer activity of this plant was examined using ulcer index and histopathological examination.
They also carried out a preliminary phytochemical screening and acute toxicity studies of the plant. The extract showed a significant (p <0.001) reduction in the pH, free acidity, gastric volume, ulcer index and total acidity in a dose dependent manner, unlike the control. Interestingly, the extract did not yield any toxic effects even when applied at high doses. The anti-ulcer activity was attributed to the flavonoids found in this plant.

Aphrodisiac Properties
Ratnasooriya and Dharmasiri (2000) investigated the aphrodisiac ability of tropical almond seeds using a suspension of its kernel (SS) in 1% methyl cellulose in rats. Male rats were treated orally with 1500 mg/kg or 3000 mg/kg SS or vehicle and their sexual behaviours were monitored 3 hours later using a receptive female. Afterwards, another group of rats was treated orally with either 3000 mg/kg SS or vehicle for a consecutive 7 days.
The researchers evaluated the test animals sexual behaviour and fertility on days 1, 4 and 7 of treatment and on the 7th day of post-treatment by pairing them with pro-oestrous female overnight. The 1500 mg/kg dose demonstrated a marked aphrodisiac action in terms of prolongation of ejaculation latency. The study supports that the kernel of tropical almond seeds possess aphrodisiac properties and thus could be essential for treating certain types of sexual disorders such as premature ejaculation.

Antidiabetic Properties
Nagappa et al., (2003) investigated the antidiabetic ability of methanol, petroleum ether and aqueous extracts of tropical almond fruit on (FBS) fasting blood sugar levels and serum biochemical analysis in alloxan-induced diabetic rats. The three extracts of this fruit generated a significant antidiabetic activity at dosage levels of 1/5 of their lethal doses. The study supports the anti-diabetic potentials of the tropical almond fruit.

Anti-inflammatory Properties
Lin et al., (1999) evaluated the anti-inflammatory effects of punicalagin and punicalin carrageenan-induced hind paw edema in rats. The punicalin and punicalagin were isolated from the leaves of tropical almond. Upon examining the anti-inflammatory effects, the edema rates increased due to the carrageenan administration however, it reduced due to the drug treatment.
After 4 hour of administering carrageenan, the punicalagin (10 mg/kg) treated group turned out to be the best effect group with an inhibition rate of 58.15%. The second was the punicalagin (5 mg/kg) treated group and this group showed a low inhibition rate of 39.15%. The results showed that both punicalin and punicalagin possess anti-inflammatory properties, however, it is worthy to note that treatment with larger dosages of punicalin can possibly lead to some cell damages.

Anti-aging Properties
Free radicals in the body induce cells damage, which among other things, lead to premature skin-aging, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation and spots. Factors such as old age, pollution, exposure to short wavelength UV light (UVB), exposure to the sun (photoaging) and loss of subcutaneous support could contribute to skin ageing. Gelse et al., (2003) report that the most surplus structural protein found in the skin connective tissue is the type I collagen. This type I collagen is synthesised mainly by fibroblasts and is essential for maintaining strength and flexibility on the skin. However, these attributes depreciate on ageing.Wen et al., (2011) investigated if tropical almond hydrophilic extract can prevent photoaging in human dermal fibroblasts after being exposed to UVB radiation. The extract exhibited the free radical scavenging diphenylpicrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and protected the erythrocytes from a (peroxyl radical initiator) AAPH-induced hemolysis. These findings suggest that tropical almond increases the production of type I procollagen thus has the ability to inhibit skin ageing and photodamage.
Antimicrobial ActivityChanda et al., (2011) evaluated the in-vitro antimicrobial activity of methanol, acetone and N, N-dimethylformamide extracts from the leaf of tropical almonds. An in vitro antimicrobial activity of all the extracts was performed using agar disc diffusion assay. 91 clinically essential strains were used and these were both clinical isolates and identified strains. Piperacillin and gentamicin were used as standards for antibacterial assay, however, flucanazole and nystatin were used as standards for antifungal assay.
The antimicrobial activity was ascertained by measuring the inhibition zone around each paper disc. The results show that the antibacterial activity was more pronounced against bacteria, unlike the fungal strains. The Gram-positive bacteria were more susceptible than the Gram-negative bacteria. The methanol extract showed best antibacterial activity and the leaf extracts proved to contain stronger antibacterial activity, unlike the commercially used antibiotics. Therefore T. catappa is proved effective for treating diseases caused by microorganisms.
Antinociceptive PropertiesAntinociceptive is the process of blocking the detection of an injurious or painful stimulus by the sensory neurones. Arjariya et al., (2013) studied the antinociceptive activity of the aqueous extract of tropical almond leaves using the tail flick method, glacial acetic acid induced writhing and the hot plate test in albino rats.
The aqueous extract produced a significant (p<0.01) dose-dependent inhibition of abdominal writhing in rat. The result shows that the aqueous extract of tropical almond leaves contains analgesic properties, which could be mediated through the central and peripheral mechanism.

Antioxidative Properties
Chukwuma (2015) evaluated the antioxidative properties of the tropical almond leaf using 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), total phenolic content and reducing power assays. The results showed that 80% methanolic leaf extracts exhibited the highest percentage 73.42% inhibition of free radical.
This is followed by water and then ethanol extract at the rate of 95%. The three different solvent extracts from the tropical almond leaf exhibited its antioxidative action by scavenging DPPH radical as well as with a reasonable amount of phenols and its concomitant reducing activity. The study supports that the tropical almond leaf could be used as a natural source of managing and dealing with an oxidative stress-related health condition.

Antifungal Properties
Gandhi et al., (2015) evaluated the antifungal properties of the aqueous, hexane and ethyl acetate extracts of the tropical almond bark and wood against certain fungal species. The antifungal activity was evaluated using agar disc diffusion method. Out of the three extracts, the hexane extract showed potent antifungal activity against all the selected fungal species.
The antifungal activity was compared using a standard antibiotic Clotrimazole and the extracts demonstrated the growth inhibitory activity in a dose-dependent manner. The results, therefore, suggest that hexane extracts of tropical almond bark and wood possess more antifungal activity than the aqueous and ethyl acetate extracts. This is attributed to the ability of hexane to extract the antifungal principles found in tropical almond wood and bark.

Hepatitis Treatment
Studies reveal that the tropical almond has therapeutic effects on liver diseases such as hepatitis. Lin et al., (1997) studied the free radical scavenging and antihepatotoxic activity of this plant. Treatment with tropical almond water extracts demonstrated significant antihepatotoxic activity against CCl4-induced toxicity in the rat liver that was tested. The results show that this plant possesses strong antihepatotoxic effects including superoxide radical scavenger activity.

Cardiac Stimulant
Praveena (2014) reported that this plant can be used for preparing cardiac stimulant, especially in India.

Dermatological Care
The leaves are used in folk medicine for treating skin diseases such as dermatitis. Dermatitis is a medical condition in which the skin gets reddish, sore and swollen with small blisters due to direct irritation of the skin by an external agent or as a result of allergic reaction.

Mechanical Properties
There is an increasing demand for hardwood for building and construction purposes due to the increasing population. In an attempt to ascertain if tropical almond wood can serve as hardwood, Oriowo et al., (2015) carried out an investigation. The study was carried out to evaluate the mechanical properties of the tropical almond trees, which were sourced from 5 South-western states in Nigeria. 5 stumps of the tree were randomly picked and cut from Ogun, Ondo, Lagos, Oyo and Osun.
The mechanical properties such as density, compression, modulus of rupture, impact bending strength and modulus of elasticity were evaluated in accordance with the British Standard (D 373). The results proved that Terminalia catappa tree is a strong wood that is suitable for building and construction purposes. The reddish wood has high water resistance thus mostly used in Polynesia for constructing canoes.

Biodiesel production
Adewuyi et al., (2011) produced biodiesel from the seed oil of tropical almond using a two-step reaction system. The first step involved the pretreatment process and this step involved using 2% sulphuric acid in methanol. The second step involved the transesterification reaction whereby KOH is used as the catalyst.
The results showed a conversion that gave an ester content of above 97% with phosphorus content below 1 ppm in the biodiesel. The biodiesel generated from the oil of the tropical almond showed properties that are aligned with the recommended American standards (ASTM D 6751-07b) and European standards (EN 14214). Therefore these researchers support the use of crude T. catappa as raw feedstock for producing biodiesel.

Ornamental Purposes
Tropical almond is mostly grown for ornamental purposes and as a shade due to its colourful appearance and broad leaves.

Keep ph balance of water to maintain the health of ornamental fish.

100% Natural and Good Quality


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Edible Purposes
Tropical almond can be eaten as a fresh fruit. The fruit shell can be cracked for the edible seed to be consumed raw. The seed can be eaten alone or used for preparing fruit salad, smoothie or for garnishing dishes. Oil can also be extracted from the dried nuts, which can be used for cooking.

Antibacterial activity
Manzur et al., (2011) evaluated the methanol, acetone and N, N-dimethylformamide extracts of Terminalia catappa L. leaf to ascertain its antibacterial and antifungal activity. Gentamicin and piperacillin were used as standards for antibacterial assay, while nystatin and flucanazole were used as standards for antifungal assay. For the trial, 91 clinically important strains were used, which were both clinical isolates as well as identified strains.
The antimicrobial activity of the entire extracts was determined using the agar disc diffusion method. The results show that the antibacterial activity was more pronounced against bacteria than the fungal strains. Moreover, the Gram-positive bacteria appeared more susceptible than the Gram-negative bacteria. The methanol extract showed more antibacterial activity. Tropical almond leaf extracts showed significant antibacterial activity, unlike the commercially used antibiotics.

Anti-ulcer Properties
Peptic ulcer disease (PUD) is a break in the lining of the stomach, progressing first from the small intestine then to the lower oesophagus. Bharath et al., (2014) examined the anti-ulcer activity of ethanolic extract of T. catappa (250 and 500mg/kg b.w) on pyrolic ligated induced ulcer model in rats. Omeprazole was used as the standard. The anti-ulcer activity of this plant was examined using ulcer index and histopathological examination.
They also carried out a preliminary phytochemical screening and acute toxicity studies of the plant. The extract showed a significant (p <0.001) reduction in the pH, free acidity, gastric volume, ulcer index and total acidity in a dose dependent manner, unlike the control. Interestingly, the extract did not yield any toxic effects even when applied at high doses. The anti-ulcer activity was attributed to the flavonoids found in this plant.

Aphrodisiac Properties
Ratnasooriya and Dharmasiri (2000) investigated the aphrodisiac ability of tropical almond seeds using a suspension of its kernel (SS) in 1% methyl cellulose in rats. Male rats were treated orally with 1500 mg/kg or 3000 mg/kg SS or vehicle and their sexual behaviours were monitored 3 hours later using a receptive female. Afterwards, another group of rats was treated orally with either 3000 mg/kg SS or vehicle for a consecutive 7 days.
The researchers evaluated the test animals sexual behaviour and fertility on days 1, 4 and 7 of treatment and on the 7th day of post-treatment by pairing them with pro-oestrous female overnight. The 1500 mg/kg dose demonstrated a marked aphrodisiac action in terms of prolongation of ejaculation latency. The study supports that the kernel of tropical almond seeds possess aphrodisiac properties and thus could be essential for treating certain types of sexual disorders such as premature ejaculation.

Antidiabetic Properties
Nagappa et al., (2003) investigated the antidiabetic ability of methanol, petroleum ether and aqueous extracts of tropical almond fruit on (FBS) fasting blood sugar levels and serum biochemical analysis in alloxan-induced diabetic rats. The three extracts of this fruit generated a significant antidiabetic activity at dosage levels of 1/5 of their lethal doses. The study supports the anti-diabetic potentials of the tropical almond fruit.

Anti-inflammatory Properties
Lin et al., (1999) evaluated the anti-inflammatory effects of punicalagin and punicalin carrageenan-induced hind paw edema in rats. The punicalin and punicalagin were isolated from the leaves of tropical almond. Upon examining the anti-inflammatory effects, the edema rates increased due to the carrageenan administration however, it reduced due to the drug treatment.
After 4 hour of administering carrageenan, the punicalagin (10 mg/kg) treated group turned out to be the best effect group with an inhibition rate of 58.15%. The second was the punicalagin (5 mg/kg) treated group and this group showed a low inhibition rate of 39.15%. The results showed that both punicalin and punicalagin possess anti-inflammatory properties, however, it is worthy to note that treatment with larger dosages of punicalin can possibly lead to some cell damages.

Anti-aging Properties
Free radicals in the body induce cells damage, which among other things, lead to premature skin-aging, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation and spots. Factors such as old age, pollution, exposure to short wavelength UV light (UVB), exposure to the sun (photoaging) and loss of subcutaneous support could contribute to skin ageing. Gelse et al., (2003) report that the most surplus structural protein found in the skin connective tissue is the type I collagen. This type I collagen is synthesised mainly by fibroblasts and is essential for maintaining strength and flexibility on the skin. However, these attributes depreciate on ageing.Wen et al., (2011) investigated if tropical almond hydrophilic extract can prevent photoaging in human dermal fibroblasts after being exposed to UVB radiation. The extract exhibited the free radical scavenging diphenylpicrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and protected the erythrocytes from a (peroxyl radical initiator) AAPH-induced hemolysis. These findings suggest that tropical almond increases the production of type I procollagen thus has the ability to inhibit skin ageing and photodamage.
Antimicrobial ActivityChanda et al., (2011) evaluated the in-vitro antimicrobial activity of methanol, acetone and N, N-dimethylformamide extracts from the leaf of tropical almonds. An in vitro antimicrobial activity of all the extracts was performed using agar disc diffusion assay. 91 clinically essential strains were used and these were both clinical isolates and identified strains. Piperacillin and gentamicin were used as standards for antibacterial assay, however, flucanazole and nystatin were used as standards for antifungal assay.
The antimicrobial activity was ascertained by measuring the inhibition zone around each paper disc. The results show that the antibacterial activity was more pronounced against bacteria, unlike the fungal strains. The Gram-positive bacteria were more susceptible than the Gram-negative bacteria. The methanol extract showed best antibacterial activity and the leaf extracts proved to contain stronger antibacterial activity, unlike the commercially used antibiotics. Therefore T. catappa is proved effective for treating diseases caused by microorganisms.
Antinociceptive PropertiesAntinociceptive is the process of blocking the detection of an injurious or painful stimulus by the sensory neurones. Arjariya et al., (2013) studied the antinociceptive activity of the aqueous extract of tropical almond leaves using the tail flick method, glacial acetic acid induced writhing and the hot plate test in albino rats.
The aqueous extract produced a significant (p<0.01) dose-dependent inhibition of abdominal writhing in rat. The result shows that the aqueous extract of tropical almond leaves contains analgesic properties, which could be mediated through the central and peripheral mechanism.

Antioxidative Properties
Chukwuma (2015) evaluated the antioxidative properties of the tropical almond leaf using 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), total phenolic content and reducing power assays. The results showed that 80% methanolic leaf extracts exhibited the highest percentage 73.42% inhibition of free radical.
This is followed by water and then ethanol extract at the rate of 95%. The three different solvent extracts from the tropical almond leaf exhibited its antioxidative action by scavenging DPPH radical as well as with a reasonable amount of phenols and its concomitant reducing activity. The study supports that the tropical almond leaf could be used as a natural source of managing and dealing with an oxidative stress-related health condition.

Antifungal Properties
Gandhi et al., (2015) evaluated the antifungal properties of the aqueous, hexane and ethyl acetate extracts of the tropical almond bark and wood against certain fungal species. The antifungal activity was evaluated using agar disc diffusion method. Out of the three extracts, the hexane extract showed potent antifungal activity against all the selected fungal species.
The antifungal activity was compared using a standard antibiotic Clotrimazole and the extracts demonstrated the growth inhibitory activity in a dose-dependent manner. The results, therefore, suggest that hexane extracts of tropical almond bark and wood possess more antifungal activity than the aqueous and ethyl acetate extracts. This is attributed to the ability of hexane to extract the antifungal principles found in tropical almond wood and bark.

Hepatitis Treatment
Studies reveal that the tropical almond has therapeutic effects on liver diseases such as hepatitis. Lin et al., (1997) studied the free radical scavenging and antihepatotoxic activity of this plant. Treatment with tropical almond water extracts demonstrated significant antihepatotoxic activity against CCl4-induced toxicity in the rat liver that was tested. The results show that this plant possesses strong antihepatotoxic effects including superoxide radical scavenger activity.

Cardiac Stimulant
Praveena (2014) reported that this plant can be used for preparing cardiac stimulant, especially in India.

Dermatological Care
The leaves are used in folk medicine for treating skin diseases such as dermatitis. Dermatitis is a medical condition in which the skin gets reddish, sore and swollen with small blisters due to direct irritation of the skin by an external agent or as a result of allergic reaction.

Mechanical Properties
There is an increasing demand for hardwood for building and construction purposes due to the increasing population. In an attempt to ascertain if tropical almond wood can serve as hardwood, Oriowo et al., (2015) carried out an investigation. The study was carried out to evaluate the mechanical properties of the tropical almond trees, which were sourced from 5 South-western states in Nigeria. 5 stumps of the tree were randomly picked and cut from Ogun, Ondo, Lagos, Oyo and Osun.
The mechanical properties such as density, compression, modulus of rupture, impact bending strength and modulus of elasticity were evaluated in accordance with the British Standard (D 373). The results proved that Terminalia catappa tree is a strong wood that is suitable for building and construction purposes. The reddish wood has high water resistance thus mostly used in Polynesia for constructing canoes.

Biodiesel production
Adewuyi et al., (2011) produced biodiesel from the seed oil of tropical almond using a two-step reaction system. The first step involved the pretreatment process and this step involved using 2% sulphuric acid in methanol. The second step involved the transesterification reaction whereby KOH is used as the catalyst.
The results showed a conversion that gave an ester content of above 97% with phosphorus content below 1 ppm in the biodiesel. The biodiesel generated from the oil of the tropical almond showed properties that are aligned with the recommended American standards (ASTM D 6751-07b) and European standards (EN 14214). Therefore these researchers support the use of crude T. catappa as raw feedstock for producing biodiesel.

Ornamental Purposes
Tropical almond is mostly grown for ornamental purposes and as a shade due to its colourful appearance and broad leaves.

Keep ph balance of water to maintain the health of ornamental fish.

100% Natural and Good Quality


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What is Aloe Vera?
Aloe vera is also known as medicinal aloe, while its common names are lily of the desert, burn plant and elephant’s gall. It belongs to the family of succulent plants in the genus ‘Aloe’. The origin of this burn plant is believed to be in Sudan and has been used for more than 6,000 years. The great virtues of this plant have been recognized by many civilizations, including the Egyptians, Spanish, Persians, Greeks, Italians, Africans, Japanese, and Indians. It grows best in warm and dry climates and is densely found in Indonesia (ALOE CHINENSIS BAKER), India, Africa, and other arid zones.

Aloe vera is a succulent plant with many amazing uses, and its benefits are typically obtained by breaking off a stalk to extract the gel-like substance within; it is then either applied topically to the skin and hair or ingested. The gel can also be combined with other natural ingredients to form part of your health or beauty routine.
Aloe vera powder is also added to lotions, hair sprays, creams, baby oil, nutritional supplements, and pet care products.

Aloe Vera Nutrition
For decades, the soothing nature of aloe vera has been known and respected by the people who believe in naturopathy. The aloe vera plant has compounds such as mannans, polysaccharides, lectins, and anthraquinones that are extremely beneficial for human health. It has 18 amino acids that work in association with other compounds of the human body to deliver numerous health benefits. According to USDA, aloe juice is a good source of energy, iron, sodium, and calcium.

Health Benefits of Aloe Vera
The common health benefits of aloe are discussed below.

Improves Digestion
The adaptogenic properties of aloe vera are beneficial for a proper digestion. It ensures better nutrient absorption and also eliminates harmful elements through smooth excretion. A healthy digestive process positively affects your thoughts and actions, thus promoting overall health. Dr. Meika Foster, University of Sydney, Australia, in her study reports that aloe vera latex has amazing laxative effects. Thus, it cures irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and keeps constipation, piles, and other gastrointestinal conditions from damaging your system.

Aloe vera has compounds called polysaccharides that have the ability to cure a host of digestive disorders and ulcers. Ulcers are one of the most prominent consequences of digestive problems that are effectively cured by this plant extract. Many studies have proven that it cures issues like Crohn’s disease, peptic ulcers, and other digestive tract disorders. If you suffer from ulcers and consume aloe vera extract for at least 3 – 4 weeks, you will surely notice positive results.

Boosts Immunity
Beverages made with aloe vera juice possess natural detoxifying properties that effectively cleanse the digestive system and the circulatory system. As the absorption level of nutrients accelerates, it results in better blood circulation and also improves health. When the blood is oxygen-rich, it automatically provides nutrients within the cells more proficiently. These healthy cells ensure your body’s ability to ward off infections, thereby strengthening your immune system. It has the capability to neutralize harmful bacteria and its rejuvenating properties work within your body to keep it fresh and active throughout the day.

Inhibits Cancerous Growth
Aloe vera contains some effective macrophages that produce huge volumes of nitric oxide, which has antitumor potential. In naturopathy, there are innumerable methods of cancer prevention and the aloe vera-based has proven to be one of the most successful ones. Many studies have shown that these antitumor and immunomodulatory properties are due to the presence of polysaccharides in aloe vera. However, some experts say that, when used alone, it may not be very effective in advanced cases, so a combination of herbs like spirulina, cat’s claw, and therapies like intravenous vitamin C should also be included. It is always advisable to start any kind of cancer treatment after consulting a physician.

Heals Side Effects of Radiotherapy
During a cancer treatment, radiotherapy is inevitable in most cases. Cancer patients often experience uncomfortable side effects due to radiotherapy. According to a study cited in Radiation Oncology, aloe vera application helps prevent the acute skin side effects in patients treated with radiotherapy for breast cancer. [6] It also accelerates healing. If you drink aloe juice in such conditions, it will also help you in healing the radiation burns.

Skin Care
Aloe has been used for skin ailments since ancient times. The pure inner gel extracted from the aloe leaf is the best natural remedy for skin abrasions and it also helps diminish the symptoms of aging skin conditions. Many skin care and personal care products, toiletries, and cosmetics include aloe extracts. In fact, if you have its plant at home, simply tear a small part of the leaf, take the gel and apply it in the raw form on your face. This therapy will prove to be far better and more effective than many expensive skin creams on the market. Most people prefer drinking its juice, which also enhances skin health, as the properties of the plant work internally. It also helps in curing stings, rashes, and psoriasis. Journal of Dermatological Treatment says that the topical application of aloe vera gel combined with tretinoin is extremely useful in the treatment of mild and moderate acne vulgaris. Another study has also proved the ability of aloe vera to cure suntan and sunburn. 

Hair Care
Aloe vera has proven to be an excellent option for promoting hair growth naturally. The hair products that contain it are essential to retain voluminous and healthy hair. You can apply its gel to the entire scalp and hair to treat hair loss as it has an enzyme that is beneficial for stimulating hair growth. Aloe vera shampoo improves blood circulation and keeps you away from stress and mental strain. In fact, it has anti-inflammatory properties that effectively treat androgenetic alopecia or male pattern baldness. If you use it regularly as a shampoo and conditioner, you are sure to prevent premature hair loss.

Reduces Arthritis Pain
Aloe is noted for its amazing anti-inflammatory properties that work instantly on the pain and swelling resulting from arthritis. Its juice is also extremely effective in calming the swelling and inflammation that are closely associated with arthritis. In fact, topical application, drinking aloe juice or eating aloe vera, its pills or capsules all show positive results in curing arthritis pain.

Other Benefits
Other aloe vera benefits include:

Relieves Joint & Muscle Pain
The anti-inflammatory properties of aloe vera help it to work efficiently on joint and muscle pains. Applying aloe gel topically eases inflammation of the joints. Eating aloe vera, its capsules, or drinking its juice can reduce inflammation throughout the body, thus proving to be revitalizing. In some studies, it has been reported that people who regularly consume aloe vera juice for at least two weeks experience a significant improvement in inflammation issues. However, it works efficiently when your diet contains less intake of red meat, sugar, milk, fried foods, and white flour.

Heals Wounds
Aloe has been considered a natural healer ever since it was discovered thousands of years ago. According to a study by Dr. Amar Surjushe, Department of Dermatology, Grant Medical College and Sir J J Group of Hospitals, Mumbai, India, “Alexander the Great and Christopher Columbus used it to treat soldiers’ wounds”. If used externally, it is the best option for dressing wounds. In fact, in many cases, it is seen that aloe vera works like magic, even in the most serious of emergency room wound cases. The juice instantly seals the wound by drawing the flow of blood to the wound, thus enhancing the process of wound healing. In many studies, it has been proven that aloe effectively treats third-degree burn victims and it restores the burned skin faster. [11] It is also known that a large amount of aloe vera gel can heal wounds of gunshots and tissue injuries.

Cures Menstrual Problems
The extract of aloe vera has shown to be an excellent stimulant of the uterus and eating aloe vera or drinking its juice is very beneficial during painful menstruation.
Alleviates Nausea

Nausea can occur due to a host of reasons, including consuming contaminated food, having a virus or flu, or even due to chemotherapy treatments. Oftentimes, feelings of nausea originate from disorders in the stomach or in the digestive tract. Aloe vera juice is excellent for a sick stomach and makes you feel better by bringing a calm feeling throughout the body.

Health benefits of aloe vera - infographic

Reduces Blood Sugar Level
Eating aloe vera pills has beneficial effects on reducing blood sugar levels. A study on the effects of aloe vera on diabetic patients, published in Phytomedicine, suggests that its consumption helps lower blood sugar and triglyceride levels. 

Prevents Oxidative Stress
Aloe vera gel is rich in vitamins like vitamin B12, B1, B2, B6, and vitamin A, E, C, niacin, and folic acid. These vitamins are required for the proper functioning of the human body. The body’s defense system is thus kept intact by regularly eating aloe vera capsules or drinking its juice.

Soothes Acid Reflux
Acid reflux is often wrongly known as a disease, while it is actually just a symptom that involves heartburn and discomfort. Initially, you can try the natural remedy of consuming aloe vera juice, which usually works effectively and initiates proper functioning. However, you should try to avoid eating fried and processed food to evade the problem altogether. A study published in Elsevier’s Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, aloe vera can provide an effective treatment against gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

Lowers Cholesterol
 Aloe vera gel, when used internally, automatically improves blood quality and thus helps in re-balancing the other components in it like cholesterol and glucose. It effectively lowers cholesterol and total triglyceride content.

Improves Cardiovascular Function
Aloe vera extract accelerates the supply of blood and purifies it at the same time. This blood accelerates the delivery of oxygen to the organs in the body, thereby maximizing their functionality. A 2011 study shows that aloe vera gel can also prevent myocardial oxidative stress.

Cures Gum Diseases
 Dental and gum diseases can also be cured by aloe vera. You can try out this natural remedy at home; put some aloe vera powder on your toothbrush, then brush normally. The aloe vera powder will soothe your gums and cure any kind of infection or bruises. Aloe vera juice can also help in keeping the gums healthy. Just gargle the liquid around your mouth before swallowing. Also, try to increase your intake of vitamin D. Both these measures will be enough to get your gums back in shape within a few months. A study published in the Ethiopian Journal of Health Sciences confirms its use as an effective mouthwash and its ability to cure dental plaque. 

Preserves Food
A thin layer of aloe vera gel can act as a natural food preservative. In an experiment, aloe preservative was able to keep grapes fresh for more than 35 days. Furthermore, a 2014 study cited in Cambridge Core shows that the pure aqueous extract of aloe vera can inhibit the growth of certain microbes. This extract when coated on tomatoes helped delay ripening and was effective in increasing its overall shelf-life.

Many scientists say that this benefit of aloe can bring a new dimension to food safety regulations around the world. Further experiments showed that dipping fruits and vegetables in aloe vera gel effectively eliminated E.coli, retained freshness, and also extended their shelf life. The FDA has also approved it as a natural food flavoring agent.

Boosts Blood Oxygenation
Blood oxygenation benefits the supply of CO2 (carbon dioxide) to vital organs. In some studies, it has been reported that aloe vera aids in blood oxygenation.

Delays Aging
Aloe vera has been a primary component of many skin products that help in retaining youthfulness. The added support of aloe in any skin cream enhances its function as a wrinkle fader and skin rejuvenator. The anti-aging properties work on the skin and keep it fresh, supple, wrinkle-free, and bright. The properties of aloe make it penetrate quickly within the various layers of the skin, even to the muscles of the body.

100% Natural and Good Quality


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What is Aloe Vera?
Aloe vera is also known as medicinal aloe, while its common names are lily of the desert, burn plant and elephant’s gall. It belongs to the family of succulent plants in the genus ‘Aloe’. The origin of this burn plant is believed to be in Sudan and has been used for more than 6,000 years. The great virtues of this plant have been recognized by many civilizations, including the Egyptians, Spanish, Persians, Greeks, Italians, Africans, Japanese, and Indians. It grows best in warm and dry climates and is densely found in Indonesia (ALOE CHINENSIS BAKER), India, Africa, and other arid zones.

Aloe vera is a succulent plant with many amazing uses, and its benefits are typically obtained by breaking off a stalk to extract the gel-like substance within; it is then either applied topically to the skin and hair or ingested. The gel can also be combined with other natural ingredients to form part of your health or beauty routine.
Aloe vera powder is also added to lotions, hair sprays, creams, baby oil, nutritional supplements, and pet care products.

Aloe Vera Nutrition
For decades, the soothing nature of aloe vera has been known and respected by the people who believe in naturopathy. The aloe vera plant has compounds such as mannans, polysaccharides, lectins, and anthraquinones that are extremely beneficial for human health. It has 18 amino acids that work in association with other compounds of the human body to deliver numerous health benefits. According to USDA, aloe juice is a good source of energy, iron, sodium, and calcium.

Health Benefits of Aloe Vera
The common health benefits of aloe are discussed below.

Improves Digestion
The adaptogenic properties of aloe vera are beneficial for a proper digestion. It ensures better nutrient absorption and also eliminates harmful elements through smooth excretion. A healthy digestive process positively affects your thoughts and actions, thus promoting overall health. Dr. Meika Foster, University of Sydney, Australia, in her study reports that aloe vera latex has amazing laxative effects. Thus, it cures irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and keeps constipation, piles, and other gastrointestinal conditions from damaging your system.

Aloe vera has compounds called polysaccharides that have the ability to cure a host of digestive disorders and ulcers. Ulcers are one of the most prominent consequences of digestive problems that are effectively cured by this plant extract. Many studies have proven that it cures issues like Crohn’s disease, peptic ulcers, and other digestive tract disorders. If you suffer from ulcers and consume aloe vera extract for at least 3 – 4 weeks, you will surely notice positive results.

Boosts Immunity
Beverages made with aloe vera juice possess natural detoxifying properties that effectively cleanse the digestive system and the circulatory system. As the absorption level of nutrients accelerates, it results in better blood circulation and also improves health. When the blood is oxygen-rich, it automatically provides nutrients within the cells more proficiently. These healthy cells ensure your body’s ability to ward off infections, thereby strengthening your immune system. It has the capability to neutralize harmful bacteria and its rejuvenating properties work within your body to keep it fresh and active throughout the day.

Inhibits Cancerous Growth
Aloe vera contains some effective macrophages that produce huge volumes of nitric oxide, which has antitumor potential. In naturopathy, there are innumerable methods of cancer prevention and the aloe vera-based has proven to be one of the most successful ones. Many studies have shown that these antitumor and immunomodulatory properties are due to the presence of polysaccharides in aloe vera. However, some experts say that, when used alone, it may not be very effective in advanced cases, so a combination of herbs like spirulina, cat’s claw, and therapies like intravenous vitamin C should also be included. It is always advisable to start any kind of cancer treatment after consulting a physician.

Heals Side Effects of Radiotherapy
During a cancer treatment, radiotherapy is inevitable in most cases. Cancer patients often experience uncomfortable side effects due to radiotherapy. According to a study cited in Radiation Oncology, aloe vera application helps prevent the acute skin side effects in patients treated with radiotherapy for breast cancer. [6] It also accelerates healing. If you drink aloe juice in such conditions, it will also help you in healing the radiation burns.

Skin Care
Aloe has been used for skin ailments since ancient times. The pure inner gel extracted from the aloe leaf is the best natural remedy for skin abrasions and it also helps diminish the symptoms of aging skin conditions. Many skin care and personal care products, toiletries, and cosmetics include aloe extracts. In fact, if you have its plant at home, simply tear a small part of the leaf, take the gel and apply it in the raw form on your face. This therapy will prove to be far better and more effective than many expensive skin creams on the market. Most people prefer drinking its juice, which also enhances skin health, as the properties of the plant work internally. It also helps in curing stings, rashes, and psoriasis. Journal of Dermatological Treatment says that the topical application of aloe vera gel combined with tretinoin is extremely useful in the treatment of mild and moderate acne vulgaris. Another study has also proved the ability of aloe vera to cure suntan and sunburn. 

Hair Care
Aloe vera has proven to be an excellent option for promoting hair growth naturally. The hair products that contain it are essential to retain voluminous and healthy hair. You can apply its gel to the entire scalp and hair to treat hair loss as it has an enzyme that is beneficial for stimulating hair growth. Aloe vera shampoo improves blood circulation and keeps you away from stress and mental strain. In fact, it has anti-inflammatory properties that effectively treat androgenetic alopecia or male pattern baldness. If you use it regularly as a shampoo and conditioner, you are sure to prevent premature hair loss.

Reduces Arthritis Pain
Aloe is noted for its amazing anti-inflammatory properties that work instantly on the pain and swelling resulting from arthritis. Its juice is also extremely effective in calming the swelling and inflammation that are closely associated with arthritis. In fact, topical application, drinking aloe juice or eating aloe vera, its pills or capsules all show positive results in curing arthritis pain.

Other Benefits
Other aloe vera benefits include:

Relieves Joint & Muscle Pain
The anti-inflammatory properties of aloe vera help it to work efficiently on joint and muscle pains. Applying aloe gel topically eases inflammation of the joints. Eating aloe vera, its capsules, or drinking its juice can reduce inflammation throughout the body, thus proving to be revitalizing. In some studies, it has been reported that people who regularly consume aloe vera juice for at least two weeks experience a significant improvement in inflammation issues. However, it works efficiently when your diet contains less intake of red meat, sugar, milk, fried foods, and white flour.

Heals Wounds
Aloe has been considered a natural healer ever since it was discovered thousands of years ago. According to a study by Dr. Amar Surjushe, Department of Dermatology, Grant Medical College and Sir J J Group of Hospitals, Mumbai, India, “Alexander the Great and Christopher Columbus used it to treat soldiers’ wounds”. If used externally, it is the best option for dressing wounds. In fact, in many cases, it is seen that aloe vera works like magic, even in the most serious of emergency room wound cases. The juice instantly seals the wound by drawing the flow of blood to the wound, thus enhancing the process of wound healing. In many studies, it has been proven that aloe effectively treats third-degree burn victims and it restores the burned skin faster. [11] It is also known that a large amount of aloe vera gel can heal wounds of gunshots and tissue injuries.

Cures Menstrual Problems
The extract of aloe vera has shown to be an excellent stimulant of the uterus and eating aloe vera or drinking its juice is very beneficial during painful menstruation.
Alleviates Nausea

Nausea can occur due to a host of reasons, including consuming contaminated food, having a virus or flu, or even due to chemotherapy treatments. Oftentimes, feelings of nausea originate from disorders in the stomach or in the digestive tract. Aloe vera juice is excellent for a sick stomach and makes you feel better by bringing a calm feeling throughout the body.

Health benefits of aloe vera - infographic

Reduces Blood Sugar Level
Eating aloe vera pills has beneficial effects on reducing blood sugar levels. A study on the effects of aloe vera on diabetic patients, published in Phytomedicine, suggests that its consumption helps lower blood sugar and triglyceride levels. 

Prevents Oxidative Stress
Aloe vera gel is rich in vitamins like vitamin B12, B1, B2, B6, and vitamin A, E, C, niacin, and folic acid. These vitamins are required for the proper functioning of the human body. The body’s defense system is thus kept intact by regularly eating aloe vera capsules or drinking its juice.

Soothes Acid Reflux
Acid reflux is often wrongly known as a disease, while it is actually just a symptom that involves heartburn and discomfort. Initially, you can try the natural remedy of consuming aloe vera juice, which usually works effectively and initiates proper functioning. However, you should try to avoid eating fried and processed food to evade the problem altogether. A study published in Elsevier’s Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, aloe vera can provide an effective treatment against gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

Lowers Cholesterol
 Aloe vera gel, when used internally, automatically improves blood quality and thus helps in re-balancing the other components in it like cholesterol and glucose. It effectively lowers cholesterol and total triglyceride content.

Improves Cardiovascular Function
Aloe vera extract accelerates the supply of blood and purifies it at the same time. This blood accelerates the delivery of oxygen to the organs in the body, thereby maximizing their functionality. A 2011 study shows that aloe vera gel can also prevent myocardial oxidative stress.

Cures Gum Diseases
 Dental and gum diseases can also be cured by aloe vera. You can try out this natural remedy at home; put some aloe vera powder on your toothbrush, then brush normally. The aloe vera powder will soothe your gums and cure any kind of infection or bruises. Aloe vera juice can also help in keeping the gums healthy. Just gargle the liquid around your mouth before swallowing. Also, try to increase your intake of vitamin D. Both these measures will be enough to get your gums back in shape within a few months. A study published in the Ethiopian Journal of Health Sciences confirms its use as an effective mouthwash and its ability to cure dental plaque. 

Preserves Food
A thin layer of aloe vera gel can act as a natural food preservative. In an experiment, aloe preservative was able to keep grapes fresh for more than 35 days. Furthermore, a 2014 study cited in Cambridge Core shows that the pure aqueous extract of aloe vera can inhibit the growth of certain microbes. This extract when coated on tomatoes helped delay ripening and was effective in increasing its overall shelf-life.

Many scientists say that this benefit of aloe can bring a new dimension to food safety regulations around the world. Further experiments showed that dipping fruits and vegetables in aloe vera gel effectively eliminated E.coli, retained freshness, and also extended their shelf life. The FDA has also approved it as a natural food flavoring agent.

Boosts Blood Oxygenation
Blood oxygenation benefits the supply of CO2 (carbon dioxide) to vital organs. In some studies, it has been reported that aloe vera aids in blood oxygenation.

Delays Aging
Aloe vera has been a primary component of many skin products that help in retaining youthfulness. The added support of aloe in any skin cream enhances its function as a wrinkle fader and skin rejuvenator. The anti-aging properties work on the skin and keep it fresh, supple, wrinkle-free, and bright. The properties of aloe make it penetrate quickly within the various layers of the skin, even to the muscles of the body.

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Tukod-langitHelminthostachys zeylanica (Linn.) Hook.
Ru di wu gong
Scientific names Common names 
Helminthostachys zeylanica (L.) Hook.Tukod-langit (Tag.) 
Helminthostachys dulcis Kaulfuss.Flowering fern (Engl.)
Osmunda zeylanica L.Kamraj (Engl.)
Qi zhi jue (Chin.)Ru di wu gong (Chin.)

Other vernacular names
INDONESIA: Rawu bekubang, jajalakan, pakis kaler, Tunjuk Langit
MALAYSIA: Tunjok langit, akar paku, jelai.
THAILAND: Kut chong, tin nok yung, phak nok yung.
VIETNAM: S[aa]m d[aas]t, r[as]ng re[uf]ng gi[es], s[aa]m b[of]ng bong.

Tukod-langit is a herbaceous stipitate fern, growing a foot or more in moist ground. Rhizomes are short, thick, and creeping, Stipes are erect, 15 to 30 centimeters long. Fronds grow singly from the underground rhizomes, and the appearance is characteristic. Leaf blade spreads out almost horizontally, resembling an umbrella, hence the common name. It has three segments, each of which may be divided into two to five parts. Ultimate segments are 7 to 15 centimeters long, and 2 to 4 centimeters wide, and lanceolate. Mature leaves have a spike, 7 to 20 centimeters long, that extends upward from the leaf stalk, roughly following the latter in length. Upper portion of the spike contains the spores. 

- In open bushy places near sea level, in moist ground, especially along the banks of streams. 
- Often found in thickets, around bamboo clumps.
- New fronds usually initiated at the beginning of the rainy season.
- Occurs at low altitudes from India, Sri Lanka, China and Taiwan, throughout Southeast Asia to tropical Australia.

- Studies yielded stilbenes and flavonoids with antioxidant activities.
- Yields four flavonoids -- ugonin A, B, C, and D, stigmasterol, fucosterol and dulcitol. 

- Expectorant, good antidote for snakebites, antiasthmatic.
- Considered aperient, aphrodisiac.

Parts utilized
· Rhizome.
· Wash and dry under the sun.
- Use rhizomes for propagation; preferably in shaded and moist area.

- Young leaves popular as salad vegetable.
- Excellent source of phosphorus and iron; a fair source of calcium.
· For coughing due to tuberculosis, asthma, poisonous snakebites: boil 6 to 10 grams dried drug in a cup of water and drink the decoction.
· For snakebites: crush the fresh plant and poultice the wound.
· For fractures and bone strengthening.
· Rhizome is chewed with betel for whooping cough.
· In India, used in Kerala for the treatment of hepatic disorders; rhizome also used for curing impotency; rhizome is chewed with areca for whooping cough.
· In Bangladesh, Khagrachari tribe use the plant to stop hemorrhages. Decoction of rhizome used in impotency. In Bandarban, root juice used with other plants for treatment of jaundice. Leaf Juice used for tongue blisters.
· In China, rhizome is used as antipyretic and antiphlogistic.
· In Malaysia, rhizome used as a tonic. Decoction of leaves used as tonic after childbirth. Rhizome mixed with Piper betel for cough and venereal diseases.
· In Java, used for dysentery, catarrh, phthisis.
· In the Moluccas, used to relieve constipation.

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Tukod-langitHelminthostachys zeylanica (Linn.) Hook.
Ru di wu gong
Scientific names Common names 
Helminthostachys zeylanica (L.) Hook.Tukod-langit (Tag.) 
Helminthostachys dulcis Kaulfuss.Flowering fern (Engl.)
Osmunda zeylanica L.Kamraj (Engl.)
Qi zhi jue (Chin.)Ru di wu gong (Chin.)

Other vernacular names
INDONESIA: Rawu bekubang, jajalakan, pakis kaler, Tunjuk Langit
MALAYSIA: Tunjok langit, akar paku, jelai.
THAILAND: Kut chong, tin nok yung, phak nok yung.
VIETNAM: S[aa]m d[aas]t, r[as]ng re[uf]ng gi[es], s[aa]m b[of]ng bong.

Tukod-langit is a herbaceous stipitate fern, growing a foot or more in moist ground. Rhizomes are short, thick, and creeping, Stipes are erect, 15 to 30 centimeters long. Fronds grow singly from the underground rhizomes, and the appearance is characteristic. Leaf blade spreads out almost horizontally, resembling an umbrella, hence the common name. It has three segments, each of which may be divided into two to five parts. Ultimate segments are 7 to 15 centimeters long, and 2 to 4 centimeters wide, and lanceolate. Mature leaves have a spike, 7 to 20 centimeters long, that extends upward from the leaf stalk, roughly following the latter in length. Upper portion of the spike contains the spores. 

- In open bushy places near sea level, in moist ground, especially along the banks of streams. 
- Often found in thickets, around bamboo clumps.
- New fronds usually initiated at the beginning of the rainy season.
- Occurs at low altitudes from India, Sri Lanka, China and Taiwan, throughout Southeast Asia to tropical Australia.

- Studies yielded stilbenes and flavonoids with antioxidant activities.
- Yields four flavonoids -- ugonin A, B, C, and D, stigmasterol, fucosterol and dulcitol. 

- Expectorant, good antidote for snakebites, antiasthmatic.
- Considered aperient, aphrodisiac.

Parts utilized
· Rhizome.
· Wash and dry under the sun.
- Use rhizomes for propagation; preferably in shaded and moist area.

- Young leaves popular as salad vegetable.
- Excellent source of phosphorus and iron; a fair source of calcium.
· For coughing due to tuberculosis, asthma, poisonous snakebites: boil 6 to 10 grams dried drug in a cup of water and drink the decoction.
· For snakebites: crush the fresh plant and poultice the wound.
· For fractures and bone strengthening.
· Rhizome is chewed with betel for whooping cough.
· In India, used in Kerala for the treatment of hepatic disorders; rhizome also used for curing impotency; rhizome is chewed with areca for whooping cough.
· In Bangladesh, Khagrachari tribe use the plant to stop hemorrhages. Decoction of rhizome used in impotency. In Bandarban, root juice used with other plants for treatment of jaundice. Leaf Juice used for tongue blisters.
· In China, rhizome is used as antipyretic and antiphlogistic.
· In Malaysia, rhizome used as a tonic. Decoction of leaves used as tonic after childbirth. Rhizome mixed with Piper betel for cough and venereal diseases.
· In Java, used for dysentery, catarrh, phthisis.
· In the Moluccas, used to relieve constipation.

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Benefits Of Kratom Leaves (Mitragyna Speciosa)

Kratom leaves have traditionally been used for medicinal purposes. The interesting health benefits of kratom leaves include their ability to relieve pain, boost metabolism, increase sexual energy, improve the immune system, and prevent diabetes. They ease anxiety, help with addiction, eliminate stress, and induce healthy sleep.

What are Kratom Leaves?
Kratom is a tropical tree native to Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Papua New Guinea, where the leaves have been used for medicinal purposes due to its morphine-like effects. The majority of the health benefits of kratom are derived from the unique chemical compounds and nutrients found within the leaves of the plant, including a wide range of alkaloids and other organic substances that affect many organs of the human body. Mitragynine, the primary active alkaloid in kratom, is associated with being responsible for its opioid-like effects.

The plant’s leaves are widely chewed in countries where the tree grows naturally, and some high estimates suggest that up to 70% of the male population of Thailand would chew anywhere from 10-60 leaves each day. [1] It is sold as leaves, powder, extract, capsule, pellet, or gum, and it can be smoked, chewed or consumed as a tea.

The scientific name of this evergreen tree is Mitragyna speciosa, and it has had a very interesting history, including being banned in Thailand (despite being indigenous there), as it was a natural substitute for opium, thereby affecting the economy of the country. [2]

A closeup view of fresh kratom leaves on a wooden table
Kratom, which is readily available for purchase on the internet, has come under the international spotlight in recent years for its medicinal use as well its abuse as a recreational drug. And it has been banned in countries including Australia, Malaysia, and Myanmar. [3] In the US and European countries, kratom is increasingly being used by individuals for the self-management of pain or withdrawal from opioid drugs such as heroin and prescription pain relievers. [4] However, use of kratom is recommended if you live in a country or region where the possession, use, and distribution of kratom is legal.

Health Benefits of Kratom Leaves
Let’s take a closer look at some of the fascinating health benefits of kratom leaves.

Pain Reliever
Kratom leaves are rich in analgesic properties and can quickly relieve pain throughout the body by impacting the hormonal system. [5] The amount of serotonin and dopamine released into the body increases when the leaves are chewed. This further alleviates the pain. Essentially, the alkaloids dull the pain receptors throughout the body. This morphine or opium-like quality of kratom leaves is widely regarded as its most important application.

Immune System Booster
Independent studies on the various alkaloids found in kratom leaves have shown that the combinative effects can have major effects on the strength and resilience of the immune system. [6] Kratom leaf extracts, which were traditionally used as herbs, are endowed with free radical scavenging and antimicrobial activity and are a natural source of antioxidants.

Energy Booster
The metabolic effects that kratom has are one of the other reasons that the leaves are so popular, particularly with laborers in various countries. It can increase your energy levels by optimizing certain metabolic processes and impacting hormone levels. [7] This is a result of increased circulation, despite its soothing nature, and a general increase in oxygenated blood to areas of the body that needs it, combining with increased metabolic activities to provide a burst of energy. For sufferers of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, kratom leaves are often an alternative, natural solution.

Sexual Stimulant
Kratom is seen by many traditional practitioners and users as an aphrodisiac and a fertility booster, as the extra energy and blood flow can help increase fertility, re-energize a tired libido, and improve duration/conception rates. [8]

Reduced Anxiety
Kratom leaves are widely used as anxiolytic substances for people who suffer from chronic stress, depression, anxiety, and mood swings. [9] By regulating the hormones in our body, people can finally get relief from these exhausting symptoms of chemical imbalance without having to rely on pharmaceuticals and all of the implicit side effects of those drugs.

Addiction Recovery
Due to the inherently healthy nature of kratom leaves, in combination with their range of effects, they have been used as a method of curing addiction for hundreds of years. [10] In many cultures, opium addiction is a major issue, but regularly chewing on kratom leaves provides a similar sensation without the comedowns and negative side effects. Therefore, when people are attempting to “get clean” and stay that way, they often turn to kratom leaves as a tolerable solution, thereby making these leaves very valuable in many parts of the world. This also helps to cover withdrawal symptoms during the transition away from that more intense drug.

Diabetes Management
One of the lesser known benefits of kratom leaves is their effect on blood sugar levels. [11] Limited research has shown that the alkaloids found in the leaves are able to help regulate the amount of insulin and glucose in the blood, effectively preventing the dangerous peaks and troughs that diabetics face. This can not only help diabetics manage their disorder, but also prevent it from developing in the first place.

Side Effects of Kratom
Regular kratom users can tend to have psychotic symptoms such as mental confusion, delusion, and hallucination. Others claim a “kratom hangover”, which includes headaches or nausea in the morning after use. This is something you can determine for yourself, based on your particular sensitivities. Studies show that regular kratom use is associated with drug dependency, development of withdrawal symptoms, and craving.

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Benefits Of Kratom Leaves (Mitragyna Speciosa)

Kratom leaves have traditionally been used for medicinal purposes. The interesting health benefits of kratom leaves include their ability to relieve pain, boost metabolism, increase sexual energy, improve the immune system, and prevent diabetes. They ease anxiety, help with addiction, eliminate stress, and induce healthy sleep.

What are Kratom Leaves?
Kratom is a tropical tree native to Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Papua New Guinea, where the leaves have been used for medicinal purposes due to its morphine-like effects. The majority of the health benefits of kratom are derived from the unique chemical compounds and nutrients found within the leaves of the plant, including a wide range of alkaloids and other organic substances that affect many organs of the human body. Mitragynine, the primary active alkaloid in kratom, is associated with being responsible for its opioid-like effects.

The plant’s leaves are widely chewed in countries where the tree grows naturally, and some high estimates suggest that up to 70% of the male population of Thailand would chew anywhere from 10-60 leaves each day. [1] It is sold as leaves, powder, extract, capsule, pellet, or gum, and it can be smoked, chewed or consumed as a tea.

The scientific name of this evergreen tree is Mitragyna speciosa, and it has had a very interesting history, including being banned in Thailand (despite being indigenous there), as it was a natural substitute for opium, thereby affecting the economy of the country. [2]

A closeup view of fresh kratom leaves on a wooden table
Kratom, which is readily available for purchase on the internet, has come under the international spotlight in recent years for its medicinal use as well its abuse as a recreational drug. And it has been banned in countries including Australia, Malaysia, and Myanmar. [3] In the US and European countries, kratom is increasingly being used by individuals for the self-management of pain or withdrawal from opioid drugs such as heroin and prescription pain relievers. [4] However, use of kratom is recommended if you live in a country or region where the possession, use, and distribution of kratom is legal.

Health Benefits of Kratom Leaves
Let’s take a closer look at some of the fascinating health benefits of kratom leaves.

Pain Reliever
Kratom leaves are rich in analgesic properties and can quickly relieve pain throughout the body by impacting the hormonal system. [5] The amount of serotonin and dopamine released into the body increases when the leaves are chewed. This further alleviates the pain. Essentially, the alkaloids dull the pain receptors throughout the body. This morphine or opium-like quality of kratom leaves is widely regarded as its most important application.

Immune System Booster
Independent studies on the various alkaloids found in kratom leaves have shown that the combinative effects can have major effects on the strength and resilience of the immune system. [6] Kratom leaf extracts, which were traditionally used as herbs, are endowed with free radical scavenging and antimicrobial activity and are a natural source of antioxidants.

Energy Booster
The metabolic effects that kratom has are one of the other reasons that the leaves are so popular, particularly with laborers in various countries. It can increase your energy levels by optimizing certain metabolic processes and impacting hormone levels. [7] This is a result of increased circulation, despite its soothing nature, and a general increase in oxygenated blood to areas of the body that needs it, combining with increased metabolic activities to provide a burst of energy. For sufferers of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, kratom leaves are often an alternative, natural solution.

Sexual Stimulant
Kratom is seen by many traditional practitioners and users as an aphrodisiac and a fertility booster, as the extra energy and blood flow can help increase fertility, re-energize a tired libido, and improve duration/conception rates. [8]

Reduced Anxiety
Kratom leaves are widely used as anxiolytic substances for people who suffer from chronic stress, depression, anxiety, and mood swings. [9] By regulating the hormones in our body, people can finally get relief from these exhausting symptoms of chemical imbalance without having to rely on pharmaceuticals and all of the implicit side effects of those drugs.

Addiction Recovery
Due to the inherently healthy nature of kratom leaves, in combination with their range of effects, they have been used as a method of curing addiction for hundreds of years. [10] In many cultures, opium addiction is a major issue, but regularly chewing on kratom leaves provides a similar sensation without the comedowns and negative side effects. Therefore, when people are attempting to “get clean” and stay that way, they often turn to kratom leaves as a tolerable solution, thereby making these leaves very valuable in many parts of the world. This also helps to cover withdrawal symptoms during the transition away from that more intense drug.

Diabetes Management
One of the lesser known benefits of kratom leaves is their effect on blood sugar levels. [11] Limited research has shown that the alkaloids found in the leaves are able to help regulate the amount of insulin and glucose in the blood, effectively preventing the dangerous peaks and troughs that diabetics face. This can not only help diabetics manage their disorder, but also prevent it from developing in the first place.

Side Effects of Kratom
Regular kratom users can tend to have psychotic symptoms such as mental confusion, delusion, and hallucination. Others claim a “kratom hangover”, which includes headaches or nausea in the morning after use. This is something you can determine for yourself, based on your particular sensitivities. Studies show that regular kratom use is associated with drug dependency, development of withdrawal symptoms, and craving.

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Cassava is an indigenous plant of Brazil and Paraguay, which is the staple food of society in Indonesia and Thailand, as well as some countries in the African Continent.
Most people of Indonesia certainly very familiar with cassava, especially for those living in the countryside, will often see this cassava with trees or plants.
Cassava is a food in the category of tubers. Where cassava is often also called a wood tuber.

Benefits of cassava for the health of the body

1.Smooth digestion
Cassava has a lot of Insoluble Fiber content, or fiber that is not water soluble.
Benefits of this type of fiber to facilitate the process of defecation, and absorb and remove toxins in the intestines, so that digestion can be maintained well.The body can avoid digestive problems such as difficult bowel movements (BAB), hemorrhoids, stomach bloating and constipation.

2.Energy sources
Content in cassava contained 2 times more starch than potato.
That way, cassava can act as a food additive energy, because in it there are sources of complex carbohydrates.And not infrequently some areas in Indonesia, there are consuming cassava as a staple food everyday.

3.Overcoming headaches
You can use cassava leaves to treat headaches.
How, with compress using cassava leaves. Take some sheets of cassava leaves. After that mash until smooth. Then compress on the body part that feels pain.

4.Good for low-fat diet
Although cassava in it contain high carbohydrate content, but cassava including low-fat foods and also low cholesterol, so it is very good for consumption.
Cassava is very suitable for you who are on a low-fat diet.But who needs to dinggat, to run a low-fat diet, better to consume cassava that has been boiled.

5.Prevent anemia
The content of minerals and iron present in cassava is useful to help the process of formation of red blood cells. The benefits of the body to avoid the problem of anemia (problem less blood).

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Cassava is an indigenous plant of Brazil and Paraguay, which is the staple food of society in Indonesia and Thailand, as well as some countries in the African Continent.
Most people of Indonesia certainly very familiar with cassava, especially for those living in the countryside, will often see this cassava with trees or plants.
Cassava is a food in the category of tubers. Where cassava is often also called a wood tuber.

Benefits of cassava for the health of the body

1.Smooth digestion
Cassava has a lot of Insoluble Fiber content, or fiber that is not water soluble.
Benefits of this type of fiber to facilitate the process of defecation, and absorb and remove toxins in the intestines, so that digestion can be maintained well.The body can avoid digestive problems such as difficult bowel movements (BAB), hemorrhoids, stomach bloating and constipation.

2.Energy sources
Content in cassava contained 2 times more starch than potato.
That way, cassava can act as a food additive energy, because in it there are sources of complex carbohydrates.And not infrequently some areas in Indonesia, there are consuming cassava as a staple food everyday.

3.Overcoming headaches
You can use cassava leaves to treat headaches.
How, with compress using cassava leaves. Take some sheets of cassava leaves. After that mash until smooth. Then compress on the body part that feels pain.

4.Good for low-fat diet
Although cassava in it contain high carbohydrate content, but cassava including low-fat foods and also low cholesterol, so it is very good for consumption.
Cassava is very suitable for you who are on a low-fat diet.But who needs to dinggat, to run a low-fat diet, better to consume cassava that has been boiled.

5.Prevent anemia
The content of minerals and iron present in cassava is useful to help the process of formation of red blood cells. The benefits of the body to avoid the problem of anemia (problem less blood).

100% Natural and Good Quality


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OTHER NAME(S): Akar Pasak Bumi, Ali's Umbrella, Ali's Walking Stick, Batang Pasak Bumi, Bedara Pahit, Canne d'Ali, Cay ba binh, Eurycoma, Eurycoma Longifolia Jack, Ginseng de Malaisie, Ian-don, Jelaih, Kayu Dali, Local Ginseng, Long Jack, Longjack, Malaysian Ginseng, Natural Viagra, Pasak Bumi, Payung Ali, Penawar Pahit, Pokok Jelas, Pokok Syurga, Sengkayap, Setunjang Bumi, Tho Nan, Tongkat Ali, Tongkat Baginda, Tung Saw, Umpudumaidu, Wonod Mondou

Overview Information
Eurycoma longifolia is a tall, slender evergreen shrub-tree commonly found in Southeast Asia. Malaysian men claim that tea made from this plant improves their sexual abilities and virility. As a result, this plant is in such high demand that it is now considered a “protected” species.

The root and bark of Eurycoma longifolia are commonly used orally for treating erectile dysfunction, increasing sexual desire, treating male infertility, and boosting athletic performance. Some research supports the use of Eurycoma longifolia for sexual desire and male infertility. But there is limited scientific evidence to support its other uses.

How does it work?
The root of Eurycoma longifolia contains several chemicals that have different effects in the body. Some of the chemicals seem to affect how the body produces the hormone testosterone. Research in animals and humans suggests it might increase testosterone in the body.

Uses & Effectiveness?
Possibly Effective for
Male Infertility. Some clinical research suggests that taking Eurycoma longifolia supplements by mouth can improve the quality and concentration of sperm in infertile men.
Sexual desire. Some clinical research suggests taking Eurycoma longifolia supplements by mouth improves sexual desire and quality of life in healthy married men.
Possibly Ineffective for
Athletic performance. Some research shows that taking Eurycoma longifolia does not help male athletes run farther or improve overall physical fitness.
Insufficient Evidence for
Problems achieving an erection (erectile dysfunction, ED). Eurycoma longifolia extract might be helpful in men with erectile dysfunction. However, it is not clear if it helps erectile function in healthy men. Also, it is possible that Eurycoma longifolia only helps when it is taken with another herb called Persicaria minor. Scientists need to do more research to see who can benefit from Eurycoma longifolia.
Low testosterone. Early research shows that taking an extract of Eurycoma longifolia by mouth for one month might increase testosterone levels and improve related symptoms in men with low testosterone levels.
Muscle strength. Early research suggests that taking Eurycoma longifolia by mouth for 5 weeks helps increase muscle mass and strength in healthy men participating in an intense strength training program.
Increasing interest in sex.
Low back pain.
High blood pressure.
Bone pain.
Other conditions.
More evidence is needed to rate the effectiveness of Eurycoma longifolia for these uses.

Side Effects & Safety
Eurycoma longifolia is POSSIBLY SAFE when taken by mouth in medicinal amounts for up to 9 months. Eurycoma longifolia is POSSIBLY UNSAFE when used orally in large amounts. Some Eurycoma longifolia supplements from Malaysia have been found to contain mercury or lead. A drug used to treat erectile dysfunction known as sildenafil (Viagra) has also been found in some Eurycoma longifolia supplements. Taking too much Eurycoma longifolia might cause mercury or lead poisoning or other side effects.

Special Precautions & Warnings:
Pregnancy and breast-feeding: There is not enough reliable information about the safety of taking Eurycoma longifolia if you are pregnant or breast-feeding. Stay on the safe side and avoid use.

For male infertility: 200 mg of Eurycoma longifolia extract daily for 3-9 months.
For sexual desire: 300 mg of Eurycoma longifolia extract daily for 3 months.

100% Natural and Good Quality


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OTHER NAME(S): Akar Pasak Bumi, Ali's Umbrella, Ali's Walking Stick, Batang Pasak Bumi, Bedara Pahit, Canne d'Ali, Cay ba binh, Eurycoma, Eurycoma Longifolia Jack, Ginseng de Malaisie, Ian-don, Jelaih, Kayu Dali, Local Ginseng, Long Jack, Longjack, Malaysian Ginseng, Natural Viagra, Pasak Bumi, Payung Ali, Penawar Pahit, Pokok Jelas, Pokok Syurga, Sengkayap, Setunjang Bumi, Tho Nan, Tongkat Ali, Tongkat Baginda, Tung Saw, Umpudumaidu, Wonod Mondou

Overview Information
Eurycoma longifolia is a tall, slender evergreen shrub-tree commonly found in Southeast Asia. Malaysian men claim that tea made from this plant improves their sexual abilities and virility. As a result, this plant is in such high demand that it is now considered a “protected” species.

The root and bark of Eurycoma longifolia are commonly used orally for treating erectile dysfunction, increasing sexual desire, treating male infertility, and boosting athletic performance. Some research supports the use of Eurycoma longifolia for sexual desire and male infertility. But there is limited scientific evidence to support its other uses.

How does it work?
The root of Eurycoma longifolia contains several chemicals that have different effects in the body. Some of the chemicals seem to affect how the body produces the hormone testosterone. Research in animals and humans suggests it might increase testosterone in the body.

Uses & Effectiveness?
Possibly Effective for
Male Infertility. Some clinical research suggests that taking Eurycoma longifolia supplements by mouth can improve the quality and concentration of sperm in infertile men.
Sexual desire. Some clinical research suggests taking Eurycoma longifolia supplements by mouth improves sexual desire and quality of life in healthy married men.
Possibly Ineffective for
Athletic performance. Some research shows that taking Eurycoma longifolia does not help male athletes run farther or improve overall physical fitness.
Insufficient Evidence for
Problems achieving an erection (erectile dysfunction, ED). Eurycoma longifolia extract might be helpful in men with erectile dysfunction. However, it is not clear if it helps erectile function in healthy men. Also, it is possible that Eurycoma longifolia only helps when it is taken with another herb called Persicaria minor. Scientists need to do more research to see who can benefit from Eurycoma longifolia.
Low testosterone. Early research shows that taking an extract of Eurycoma longifolia by mouth for one month might increase testosterone levels and improve related symptoms in men with low testosterone levels.
Muscle strength. Early research suggests that taking Eurycoma longifolia by mouth for 5 weeks helps increase muscle mass and strength in healthy men participating in an intense strength training program.
Increasing interest in sex.
Low back pain.
High blood pressure.
Bone pain.
Other conditions.
More evidence is needed to rate the effectiveness of Eurycoma longifolia for these uses.

Side Effects & Safety
Eurycoma longifolia is POSSIBLY SAFE when taken by mouth in medicinal amounts for up to 9 months. Eurycoma longifolia is POSSIBLY UNSAFE when used orally in large amounts. Some Eurycoma longifolia supplements from Malaysia have been found to contain mercury or lead. A drug used to treat erectile dysfunction known as sildenafil (Viagra) has also been found in some Eurycoma longifolia supplements. Taking too much Eurycoma longifolia might cause mercury or lead poisoning or other side effects.

Special Precautions & Warnings:
Pregnancy and breast-feeding: There is not enough reliable information about the safety of taking Eurycoma longifolia if you are pregnant or breast-feeding. Stay on the safe side and avoid use.

For male infertility: 200 mg of Eurycoma longifolia extract daily for 3-9 months.
For sexual desire: 300 mg of Eurycoma longifolia extract daily for 3 months.

100% Natural and Good Quality


Trust us for ordering and shipping worldwide.

We Have Herbs, Botanicals, Forestry Products, Agricultures, and Energy from Indonesia

Maintaining trust and quality is our commitment. We Also Provide in large quantity for export.

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